Monday, December 28, 2009

Hoomanism #5

Everything you need to take control of your life is just beyond your fingertips. But you have to have the courage to step forward to take control of it...even with a closed door in front of you. When you do, you will finally realize one of lifes truths...that the doors closed around you, have always been closed by your own hands......and therefore can always be opened by them.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Hoomanism #4

A fool will blindly fight against all criticism of his beliefs. The wise man will listen, question his own beliefs, and only then make a decision on where he stands. Ignorance is not bliss. It is the death of the mind, and the birth of a fool.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Hoomanism #3

To fully understand any human emotion one must know its polar opposite i.e. you cannot truly know joy if you've never felt pain. Therefore, in my opinion, the meaning of life can only be found through our understanding of our own mortality. Live a great life and give to others all while spoiling yourself. 50 yrs from now when you're laying on your death bed with no regrets you will understand the meaning of YOUR life.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Hoomanism #2

There will always be critics to your decisions. They will tell you every chance they get that you are wrong and that you will fail. Don't fall into the temptation of believing them. It takes a great deal of courage to follow through with your actions when you are not sure what the result will be. Dream big and you will win or lose big. Dream small and you always lose. The only true failure in life is that of never really trying.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Hoomanism #1

Live, love, laugh, sing, create, help someone, move forward, stay focused, and let yourself go...and when in doubt just make someone smile. Life's too short to be angry and no one is in a position to pass judgment. In life, you can never go back but you can always start over. Stay positive and learn from your mistakes. Success & happiness are around the corner if you have the patience and determination to pursue them.

My first post...

So I've been having a little trouble with this whole blogging thing. I'm pretty sure I've got the basics down now so we'll see where this

I've always been the one my friends have gone to for advice or when they just needed someone to listen. I guess because of that, I've gotten pretty good at motivating my friends into making their own decisions, instead of asking me to make the decision for them. On my facebook page, I post "Hoomanisms" (corny, I know). They're just little motivational quotes I made up to help friends get through their day. I thought with all of us being in the same boat juggling a million things at once, it would be nice to post some on here. Even if one of you feels a little better after reading something I've posted, this blog would be worth it. Anyways, good luck to all of you this term and in all your endeavors!