Saturday, November 28, 2009

My first post...

So I've been having a little trouble with this whole blogging thing. I'm pretty sure I've got the basics down now so we'll see where this

I've always been the one my friends have gone to for advice or when they just needed someone to listen. I guess because of that, I've gotten pretty good at motivating my friends into making their own decisions, instead of asking me to make the decision for them. On my facebook page, I post "Hoomanisms" (corny, I know). They're just little motivational quotes I made up to help friends get through their day. I thought with all of us being in the same boat juggling a million things at once, it would be nice to post some on here. Even if one of you feels a little better after reading something I've posted, this blog would be worth it. Anyways, good luck to all of you this term and in all your endeavors!


  1. Well, hello hello, hello. It's nice that you have posted something up and I think you have done good for this to be your 1st time. You say that you have a fb account well to me it's almost the same. You put down what you feel or what you have to say for the day or the moment and so from there.

    This is 1st blog to so I just put down what I feel and take it from there. Most of it was silly but it is like the ice breaker lol.

    Good luck to you in class and in your work we all are here to help....hv fun blogging lol

  2. Hi hello and hi again,
    This is brenda. I love the way you write out lil hoomanism's. I do a lot of things like that to. I guess it is because we are both aries. My b-day is April 13th, when is yours? I am in Pa. Anyway keep up with the peoms and the words of advice, you gave me a little advice as to what I can do to mine if I can ever make mine bigger. To actually write in some of my poems from years past. Se how people like them or how people comment on them. Keep up the blogging and may you have a good journey in your future journey to your goal of your education which is?


  3. Thanks to both of you. Brenda, my birthday is March 23rd. You have no idea how many times I get "you're such an Aries" from people....mostly women lol. Still not sure what that really means....Anyways, I say let it flow. Whats the point of writing if you're not going to share (if you actually have an answer to this, please read Hoomanism #2). My educational goals right now are to finish here and go to dental school. What about you? What are you goals/plans/dreams?

  4. Hi Hooman, This is Cindy, your blog looks really good . I like your saying on here. My youngest daughter used to come up with little things like that. I'm hoping this post i seem to be having trouble posting on others blogs and even my own. Got to get this figured out.

  5. Hooman,
    Brenda Here. An Aries is a type of person who seems to end up helping people in need of friendship, relationships, decision making, and just with needs in life. You seem to be that type of person as me. In high school girls and boys came to me for their problems all the time I would point them in the right fashion. You loved your parents and you always wanted to do or be the best child.I was the baby of the family and I always wanted to do better then my siblings. I did to. An Aries likes to right feelings a lot and journal a lot. They tend to be strong and hold a temper longer then most other signs. We like to write inspirations for others to read and learn by..... Get the point ? we are two a like. We are such Aries. We fit our signs perfectly. I don't want you to feel like I am copying what you are doing in your blog that is why I am not writing sayings in my blog. But I will get to starting writing poems. Unfortunately right now when I am thinking of them I am not by my computer and my blog to put them in my blog. But I am now carrying a journal to log them in my journal. So I can. I really like your blog, sorry it took so long to answer. I had a few minutes tonight.
    Happy Holiday's!
